Case of the month February 2012: Hemato / metrocolpos

Double uterus or uterus didelphys and a double or septated vagina of which the right side was occluded causing a hematometra and hematocolpos.Absent kidney (Herlyn Werner Wunderlich syndrome)

Clinical information

Palpable mass

Ultrasound Images & Clips

Double uterus or uterus didelphys and a double or septated vagina of which the right side was occluded causing a hematometra and hematocolpos.Absent kidney (Herlyn Werner Wunderlich syndrome)

Normal left uterus and left ovary

The same patient only has one kidney on the left side


  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 14
  • Body part: Lower abdomen

Created with

  • Fujifilm Ultrasound System